Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Last Full Day

For our last full day here, we tackled the remaining jobs. Once again, this primarily involved the medical clinic and Aline's house. The painting, chair setup, and cleanup for the medical clinic is now complete. Woo hoo! For Aline's house, the remaining rafters were put up. The rest of this project will be completed by a group of people from the village. We also put up a basketball hoop for the the Livesays and countless others to enjoy. Finally, we installed a water heater in the house that we are staying in. There's a funny story for that job, but we'll save that for Nate to tell sometime. :)

At night, we were able to attend part of a revival service at a church in the village. This was awesome. They had a similar service last night as well. The churches in the area are holding revival meetings during the time of Mardi Gras, which is typically a dark time down here. These meetings go on for hours with all kinds of singing and preaching. The singing literally makes your ears ring and gives you goosebumps! Once again, we were able to witness authentic, heartfelt worship and it was humbling to be a part of it. John was also able to share a song and Rick shared a few words with the people. This was great way to round out the week!

This should be the last post until we are home tomorrow. We have had a great trip but we are looking forward to seeing our families. Our prayer request is for good weather and no delays!


Diane said...

Tori looks happy with Tiffinish! The clinic looks great!!! The house looks really nice too! I'm sure she'll be extremely happy with it! Praying for safety today for the team and for the driver's picking you up at the airport tonight! :-/

Deleted 2014 said...

The clinic looks AMAZING!

-Enjoy blessed and safe travels today; Michigan snow is beckoning you home.. (6"-12" forcasted for today)