Thursday, January 31, 2008

Barbencourt Happenings - Part 1

There's a missionary from America named Daniel who is going around to all of the cities in Haiti showing a great film about Jesus. Today he and his Haitian partner Ruben showed it in Barbencourt before the regularly scheduled feeding program. We were privileged to be able to help setup and watch it with the kids.

Our guesstimate is that there were around 250 kids who ended up coming to see it. Afterward, Ruben explained what it meant to commit your life to Christ and the kids responded well to this. He led all of the kids in a prayer and then Robenson encouraged anyone who sincerely made a commitment to Christ to talk to Pastor Rony or Troy for follow-up. It was a great time and awesome to see the kids glued to the movie. The movie was a mix between a modern-day situation (real actors) along with a computer-animated presentation of key Biblical events including the fall of man into sin, Jesus' life, His death, and His ressurrection. Very cool! As a sidenote, Daniel is even able to show this movie in Haitian public schools since there are no restrictions like we have in America.


Chad and Tammy said...

Very cool! Looks like a packed house! Did any of the kids end up talking with Pastor Rony or Troy afterward?

Seeing the pictures makes me very excited to go back!!

Lighthouse Mission Trips said...

Good question. We haven't heard one way or the other.